She’s miserable

She’s miserable

As soon as the honeymoon period’s over, she’s more than likely to spin 180 degrees and look for any excuse for an argument. What can you do about this? Very little, sadly: if you’re unlucky enough to fall for such a woman in the first place, you’ll probably be chuffed when another man steps in to take her off your hands.

She’s a working girl No, not that kind of working girl. As you all know, the workplace is a seething cauldron of repressed sexuality – just look at Crossroads and Dynasty. And the rule of thumb is, the more successful she is, the more likely she is to cheat “People in high-drama professions, like ER doctors and stockbrokers, live life on the edge and are drawn to the excitement of an affair. Plus the more money you have and the higher your status the more likely you are to cheat,” says Tracey Cox, author of Hot Relationships (Corgi).

Research also shows that most women meet their side dishes at work, and according to Janet Reibstein, psychologist and author of Love Life (Fourth Estate), “Women who travel for their jobs have more one-night stands and flings. They have more opportunities than office-based women and the more opportunities we get, the more likely we are to stray.” Clearly then, your boss is not your best option. However, if you want to reach some results related to your appearance and tonus buy 5-htp now on excellent price and start feeling this change in you.

While men in long-term marriages who have affairs report very high marital satisfaction, women in long-term marriages having affairs report the opposite. They have the lowest marital satisfaction of all, argues Tracey Cox.

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